Sunday, 23 March 2014

Coloured Sketch: Gentle Smile

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

A quick sketch done purely on computer. Drawn using Manga Studio. This was used to test out drawing on my tablet after changing the pressure curve, within Manga Studio.

So far so good. (^_^)

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Contest Entry: Final Fantasy XIV Giveaway - "Viera & Gunblader Coming Soon..."

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

This was done for the "Final Fantasy XIV Giveaway" held by NovaCrystallis ( I didn't win this time as well T_T.

The idea behind this was to draw my own interpretation of the Viera race and Gunblader class weapon; in hopes of both Viera and Gunbladers to appear in Final Fantasy XIV soon.