Thursday, 15 January 2015

Artwork: A Moment's Appreciation

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

I created this in hopes of making a phone wallpaper for myself, haha! Thinking about what I want as a phone wallpaper, I decided on a theme that represents me in a way. Something I believe in. As a result the idea of this drawing came into mind. A Moment's Appreciation. With the help of a friend I was able to make it even better than it was initially. You could see much more with the help of others.

The reason why I named this "A Moment's Appreciation" is because I feel although people should try and appreciate things, one person cannot possibly appreciate everything at all times. That is why, for a moment, at anytime and in any place. If you wish to appreciate whatever it is that you are looking, listening, reading, experiencing, etc... Appreciate it to the fullest at that moment which you are able to.

Two version of the drawing is posted here, for those who would like the title in the drawing and those who don't. (Experimenting with text in drawings, hehe, tell me what you think)