Friday, 27 January 2017

2017: Happy Chinese New Year 新年快乐

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

I wish everyone a healthy, safe, successful, and smooth sailing year.

Though my wishes are modest this year, it's accompanied by a not so modest chicken. Haha.

Happy Year of the Chicken!

祝大家身體健康, 出入平安, 事事顺利!

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Gematsu Art Contest: Sword Art Online Fanart - Asuna

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

To get things out of the way...I didn't even get into the Top 10... (T-T).

Gematsu ( is a great website for gaming news that I visit daily and I highly recommend it. It was really great of them for hosting this art contest, and I'd like to thank them for this opportunity.

A humbling experience is the only way I can describe this. Despite improving a lot since my first contest with Gematsu (Artwork: Sora in Advent Children Costume), there was actually less feedback during the voting this time around. 

There were multiple reasons for this which I had realized both before and during the contest.

(The second image should have been what I submitted instead.)