The Thief and The Fairy - Chapter One
I walked alone within these empty silent streets of the night, almost
as if left behind by time, I am reminded that it has been 20 years since
I have been living in this mess of a town. It’s not a mess because of
the way it looks, rather it’s a mess because of how organized it is.
A town which has an immovable hierarchy with the rich at the top, woven
together with a web of connections between those who matter. I despise
that system, those who created it, and the ones who lives with it. But
what I despise the most is this reflection I see while standing in front of
a window. I hate myself for being so powerless, pathetic, and pitiful.
Acting all victimized. I have labeled myself as a fault of this society
without even giving a fight. I’ve forsaken myself to crimes as a way of
self gratification and became a thief. I hate myself for becoming a
thief now, but there is nothing I can change anymore. No one is able to
accept a person who sees nothing, but the ground before them. No one
would want a person who is ashamed of himself; of his disheveled black
hair, of his black and white hoody, of his black jeans, and of his black
shoes. Everything of my possession was taken from someone else one way
or another, there was nothing I took pride of having. The one and only
thing I could be proud of, was the name “Will”. It was given to me by my
mother; or so I have been told.