Saturday, 24 August 2013

Story: The Thief and The Fairy - Chapter 1

The Thief and The Fairy - Chapter One                              

As I walked alone within these empty silent streets of the night, almost as if left behind by time, I am reminded that it has been 20 years since I have been living in this mess of a town. It’s not a mess because of the way it looks, rather it’s a mess because of how organized it is. A town which has an immovable hierarchy with the rich at the top, woven together with a web of connections between those who matter. I despise that system, those who created it, and the ones who lives with it. But what I despise the most is this reflection I see while standing in front of a window. I hate myself for being so powerless, pathetic, and pitiful. Acting all victimized. I have labeled myself as a fault of this society without even giving a fight. I’ve forsaken myself to crimes as a way of self gratification and became a thief. I hate myself for becoming a thief now, but there is nothing I can change anymore. No one is able to accept a person who sees nothing, but the ground before them. No one would want a person who is ashamed of himself; of his disheveled black hair, of his black and white hoody, of his black jeans, and of his black shoes. Everything of my possession was taken from someone else one way or another, there was nothing I took pride of having. The one and only thing I could be proud of, was the name “Will”. It was given to me by my mother; or so I have been told.  

My mother died soon after I was born and my father was missing even before that. I was put into an orphanage since birth as a result. This ever changing make believe family was all I had. As I grew up seeing how happy adoption was, I naturally wished the same for myself. I looked forward to that one day when someone would welcome me into their lives. But year after year no one wanted me, all I saw was members of this make believe family of mine, slowly, being worn thin by the happiness of soon to be parents. Year after year I look forward only to be left behind.

Despite all my disappointment I still believed that there was a place for me out there. I was good at school, but I never believed it’d get me what I wanted. As a result I skipped school and started working full-time at a nearby family restaurant at the age of 16. I planned to continue working there and save up money to start a life of my own. But it was right when I was able to rent a small apartment, after I left the orphanage at the age of 18, that the restaurant which I worked for ran out of business.

With my plans shattered into pieces, I was desperate. I only had another month’s rent money left, and it was winter. I wanted to avoid living on the streets in the cold, I couldn’t risk getting sick and waste more money. I searched everywhere for a job. For a chance to put the scattered pieces of my plan back together, but no one needed me. No one knew me. I had no connections at all in this world where happiness can only be found within a bubble. They didn’t want to risk inviting someone unknown into their bubble, only to find out later that the individual was a needle. I tried to go back to my orphanage, the only bubble I have, but when I arrived at its doorstep my only bubble has now popped; the orphanage moved. Having only a month of rent money and barely enough for myself to eat for the week, I was in complete despair.

It is at that time that I saw a hint of light while stumbling in the streets. It was not an angel and sadly it wasn’t the white light either. It was a wallet that was barely visible from the open pocket of a tall, thin man in a white coat. Without even a moment of hesitation I made my move and bumped into him, taking his wallet. I immediately took the cash out of the wallet and left it on a stone ledge nearby. My heart was racing with fear and filled with guilt, but I have never felt so relieved in my life.

I was a needle within a field of bubbles. They avoid me, they reject me, they want me to rust away and disappear. But I am a needle and that means I am thin and I am in control of myself. I am unlike the bubbles which float on top of the flowing wind. All I need to survive is to slip into the bubbles around me, take a little amount of happiness for my own, and leave the bubble before it notices and pops. It was their fault for pushing me this far, was what I thought. I blamed my misery on them and took the liberty of helping them “take responsibility” into my own hands. I never felt so alive in my life, it was as if I had found my meaning in life.

But deep inside I already knew that this was a mistake, a misinterpretation, a misunderstanding. The more I continue this new occupation of mine, the more I began to look down on myself. It was a warped way of survival, an empty self-gratification.  

I became quickly irritated in the things I own. It didn’t matter what they were, I couldn’t stand them being within my vicinity. I thought I was just tired of them and that they were old. But no matter how many times I change them the irritation never left, and only got worse. Frustrated by this never ending feeling of irritation, I decided to take a walk outside. The streets were as lively as always, nothing special was happening. I decided to eat out and went to a family restaurant for old time’s sake. Not to my surprise the waiters were horrible. I could have done better. As I finished my meal and was paying the bill, a family celebrating their sons test marks caught my attention. I was jealous at how happy they were, but oddly enough I didn’t despise them. I couldn’t help, but imagine myself in their son’s place. It was at that moment though, that I heard a word from the father that hurt me like nothing before; he said “You earned it!”. The pain hurt me so much that if I had stayed any longer I thought I would have died. When I arrived at my apartment I realized that I wasn’t irritated with my possession, but with myself. Looking at all the things I had in my apartment, there was nothing I could call my own; I didn’t earn any of this.

I tried to give myself the excuse that I earned them through my efforts of stealing, but it only dug the knife within my heart deeper. By the time I realized this for myself it was already too late, I could no longer look at myself in a mirror. I had become so dependant on stealing that I no longer see any other way of survival within this society. I have gotten so experienced in the ways of a thief that I was no longer a needle, but a discoloured bubble housing my own despair. I no longer needed to slip into another’s bubble to take what I need; a simple touch between us was more than enough for me to steal from them. It was only when I realized how ugly and different I am with my surroundings, did I finally become assimilated into it’s flow.

I laughed at how the world was so ironic, at how I was abandoned when I needed help the most, and at how when I no longer needed help; I wanted to abandon myself. “What a mess.” was what I thought of this world.

Nonetheless I continued my life of thievery. As I wander around the town to find a new target, I saw a light in the distance disrupting the gentle moonlit town before me. It was a party, a gathering of happy people, a herding of defenceless sheeps. Intoxicated by the comfort and pleasures of company, people had their guards down; appearing like fruit trees free to pick from. But I decided not to take from that defenceless forest; rather my aim is within the house; the earth which the forest is rooted on.

As I make my way into the house, acting as a late guest, I was welcomed warmly with little to no accuracy. Their indulgence in alcohol was what allowed my infiltration. Suspicion was non-existent, caution was absent, and confusion was abundant. Everything was going beyond expectations, and when the host announced an event called “Fairy Hunt” I couldn’t be happier.

But as I make my way into the house and try to locate their valuables, I noticed a certain person was watching me. Being cautious I delayed my plans a bit and acted as if I was watching the event. It was pathetic even to a person like me. Seeing grown men and women wasting the night in a mindless game of tag; around the pool in their backyard. The only difference was that the ones being chased were girls in swimsuits, wearing a pair of fairy wings on their back. When one of the “Fairies” fell into the pool and got everyone’s attention, there was no better time to act. I immediately made my way into the second floor of the house and began to search for the valuables. The master bedroom is without a doubt the ideal location to keep the most valuable items; especially the areas which belongs to the “Lady of the House”.

When I found the master bedroom I quickly entered without a sound, making sure I close the door behind me. As expected no one was present. I make my way in the darkness within the room, using a flashlight shining through my pocket to reduce it’s brightness. The room was large and organized in a simple way. A bed to the left of the door with nightstands by its sides, the bathroom and closet were along the side of the entrance, a large window facing the entrance, and the desk and makeup table were opposing the bed. I knew immediately where to go. As I make my way to the drawers of each table without any sound at all, I couldn’t help, but be filled with a sense of accomplishment. This is one of the many miscellaneous attachments I have to this regretful occupation of a thief.

But as I reach for the treasures I have found in the room, once again I noticed a presence near me. I instantly closed my flashlight. As a thief I can’t be more careful with my surroundings, experience has taught me that; I had almost gone to jail when a passerby caught me picking pockets. I waited patiently for something to happen, or at least until my eyes got used to the darkness. With my vision slowly becoming cleared from the black haze moments ago, I continued with my thievery. With a bag I brought with me I took few rings and necklaces along with the stray cash within the drawers. It was a small bag, a little pouch, its size was meant to limit what I could take.

As I finished putting the stolen goods inside my pouch, the curtains that hung over the window suddenly blew open. My eyes were blinded by the sudden burst of moonlight in the room. Was it because the windows were open? Or was someone here all along? With the sudden thoughts of fear filling my heart and my eyes still abused by the moonlight, I was rendered back into the helpless being that I was two years ago.

Panicking within the midst of this unwelcomed nostalgia, something soft and cold gently pressed against my left cheek; there were three surfaces. They lightly glided towards my ear, tracing the contour of my face, introducing a fourth and a fifth surface. Immediately I recognized the sensation. They were the fingers of another person.

“Shouldn’t I be escaping right now?” I asked myself, but my body didn’t answer; it was frozen by the hand of this person. The sensation on my cheek, within this fragment of time, eased all the anxiety I had built up just seconds ago. My entire being was confused by my abnormal reaction to this person’s abnormal way of dealing with a stranger. For a moment I wanted to stay like this for a while longer. But I know I shouldn’t do it, so pushed that hand off of my face; it was thinner than I have imagined.

Although my eyes have yet to adjust to the sudden moonlit room, I made a run for it. But not to my surprise I was immediately pushed down. I’m not about to give up, I’m prepared to even fight my way out if I had to. I must escape, or else all the effort I put into living in this world would be meaningless.

It was at this moment that a soft woman's voice was whispered into my left ear...

“Look at me.”

Unconsciously I did what she told me; I couldn’t resist. I looked upward to find myself in the presence of a woman, pinning me onto the floor. Never could I have imagined a human like this could exist. Her hair, dyed turquoise with highlights of white, was shoulder length. Her bangs were pushed to the right of her face with the rest tied to the back, exposing her eyes. Her skin, flawless like the freshly fallen snow, almost emitted a light of its own. Appearing so smooth that even the moonlight which was cast upon her slid off like water. Her eyes, which was most unimaginable, coloured my reflection pink; seducing my attention effortlessly.

When she confirmed that my attention is on her, her lips unsealed.

She asked with a smile “What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be hunting “Fairies”?”. I replied while I moved my eyes away from hers “I have no interest in that shameless game.”. She gently laughed at me and asked “Are you sure what you’re doing is more righteous than what they are doing down stairs?”. She lifted the pouch I had in my hand. She continued “I’m sure this is much more shameless than chasing girls in bikinis who agreed to do so themselves.” I snapped at her “Give it back!”. I tried to snatch it away from her, but she had me in the palm of her hands. She took the moment I tried to take back my pouch as a chance to regain eye contact with me. Our foreheads were touching; she was teasing me. Staring straight at me she questioned “Why aren’t you running away? You’re a thief right? Isn’t it already bad enough to be caught? Let alone stay pinned by a fraile girl like me.” I questioned her back “Why aren’t you reporting me in? You caught me right? You think this is amusing don’t you?”. She replied  “What would you do if I report you? Would kill me?”. I fell silent, I couldn’t answer that. I didn’t want to answer it. She put a finger on top of my lips and whispered into my left ear once again “Don’t worry I won’t report you, but only if you leave something behind. Will you leave this bag of your’s behind?”. It was not even a choice, it was my only option and in my favour at that. I could simply target some other place afterwards and I still had some money saved up from my last “job”. It was obvious what my answer would be, there was no need for hesitation. So in response to my resolve I answered her.


~ Hope you enjoyed this little start of a short novel I came up with. Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. Was it interesting? Where there any writing errors? Would you like to read more of this story? ~ 

Thanks for reading

Story and Art By: WrittenDusk

1 comment:

  1. I like how you compare life with bubbles.
