Tuesday 23 June 2020

Fan Art: Mordred Alter - Fate/Grand Order

Drawn By: WrittenDusk

Thinking about FGO lately, I got really into speculating servant possibilities again; hypothesizing and theory crafting cool stories behind their addition and lore. Having always felt that the interactions between Artoria and Mordred are intentionally avoided in FGO, I wondered if there can be an opportunity for the two to really confront each other. This lead me to think about the idea of Mordred Alter again; rekindling my desire to draw her.

I am satisfied with the results, but I do also feel like I may have gotten a little ahead of myself; trying to do too much at once. It became quite hard to keep track of everything as I finished the drawing. This is definitely another point of focus in my improvements moving forward.

The thing that was hardest to keep track of, while completing the drawing, was the lighting; which I'm sure seemed quite obvious to some. My biggest mistake in this, which made it more difficult to deal with than it already was, was in not fully committing to the lighting I planned. I gave myself a bit of leeway with the lighting, so I have less to think about while working; helping me keep a certain pace of progress. But it ended up slightly disorientating me at the end when the final lighting finishes were made. 

Having experienced that, I now know not to do it again. It was a dumb idea. Lighting variances should really only be allowed when there is a practical purpose behind it; it shouldn't be used for convenience and pace keeping. It could have really jeopardized a drawing that hinged more on it's lighting, or had a more complex lighting set up.

What makes this even worse is that this issue actually stems from another problem that I have; a problem which I thought would remedy itself as I continued to improve. But through this drawing I've begun to realize otherwise.

Recently I have been pretty happy with my colouring. In how it looks and feels. But while doing this drawing it is obvious that my pacing problem still plagues me. Similar to how I drew, for awhile now I have attributed my slow speed and disposition to be distracted while colouring, to my lack of skill; that I wasn't skilled enough to reach my desired results faster. But at this point I feel like this diagnosis no longer tells the whole story. Even though I am much more satisfied with my colouring skills now, my pacing hasn't improved as much comparatively; at times there are no hints of improvements at all. Searching for a solution I looked up speed paint videos on Youtube and realized it may be time to change my approach.

I didn't want to believe it at first. I've always thought that these people, who can create amazing art in hours, are geniuses; letting myself feel contempt with the vague idea that I just need to get good. I allowed myself to avoid challenging the idea that my approach to drawing may simply be inefficient.

Being humans, we have a limited amount of focus we can apply on a task. As a result, after awhile, our level of performance will lower. Attention, perception, adaptation, and execution. All these important aspects will be impacted, and to compensate this we spend more time on it; or at least that is our usual solution. But what if we can compensate by changing our approach instead?

This problem has been diagnosed by many, and an equally large amount of solutions has been illustrated. But without a clear idea of where I wanted to be, I didn't know which solution was right for me. Now that I do have a clearer image, it's time I find my solution.

This is yet again another huge turning point for me, and I am excited to see how far it takes me. But I do worry that bad habits may be created along the way. I just have to be careful about that, and address it before it could get worse.

Hopefully you enjoyed the drawing and my self-critique!

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