Monday, 21 August 2017

Character Illustrations: Death's Ambassador - Character Set 3

Drawn By: WrittenDusk
Game: Death's Ambassador
Concept and Development By: MRHAPPYFACEMAN

This is the last of the characters I am drawing for MRHAPPYFACEMAN. Naming this as a set is not very appropriate, but consistency is important.

There was at least one more character planned, but because there is something else I want to work on I ended my help early. MRHAPPYFACEMAN was very good about this.

If my participation in this project has interested you in their development, in any way, visit their Twitter for continued updates. For those who are interested in helping out with the development visit their recruitment page on RPG Maker Forum

This project really tested my skills as an artist in terms of design, technique, consistency, speed, and endurance. While as a person it helped me gain more experience with working with others. A truly valuable experience.

Overall out of all the categories, as an artist, I think I did best in terms of design and worst in terms of speed as usual. I was able to match the design requirements quite nicely while adding in my own additions, but everything took longer than I want to complete. This is taking into account the time needed for research and designing. It's a reoccurring issue that needs to be fixed.

I've had suspicions that the style I chose to draw in, and how I approached it, was the problem. Working on this project reinforced that idea. I've put some time into changing my approach on my spare-time, but I think it's time to take it more seriously. 

In terms of this character specifically, this is probably my favourite character out of all the others. The reason is simply because of the design; although I didn't do too great on the overalls. I had a lot of fun designing her, especially doing the prints on the jacket and leggings. 

What surprised me while drawing this was how much troubled I had making sure she didn't look weird when mirrored. 

Even though I did another character in a similar pose, I never really thought mirroring was necessary because you don't normally look at drawings mirrored. But I decided to try it for this character. It wasn't pretty. I'm not sure if it is truly practical in the long run, but as a form of practice to correct drawing slanted it's probably the best there is.

Now that I'm finished with this project I can focus on my own projects and working on what I've learned from this experience. I'm pretty excited about experimenting again, and potentially getting my project up and running. Please look forward to them!

Hope you enjoyed this series of drawings.

Death's Ambassador Links:

RPG Maker Forum


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